Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Here is a list of all the books I'm "currently" reading. As in, most of them I have started but not finished. If I've actually read the entire book, I'll put it in bold. What's on your nightstand?

"Radical" by David Platt [i just started this last night, but i am planning on reading along with our home church as they go through this book for the next several weeks. looking forward to hearing the sermons that will go along with each chapter! - thanks ape]

"Have a New Kid by Friday" by Dr. Kevin Leman [i actually read this entirely before, but now that we are dealing with some new discipline issues, i thought i might skim through it again. i highly recommend it, he has a very practical, no-nonsense approach to discipline that i love.]

"Bringing Up GIRLS" by Dr. James Dobson [i started this book about a week or so before ava was born, and i really love what i've read so far... but that was to be expected. after all, it's dobson.]

"Living Abroad in Costa Rica" by Erin Van Rheenen [we bought this with a gift card just before we moved to cr, but i love all her insight on living here, although i haven't read more than a few chapter so far.]

"Go Into All the World" - a mission journal [this was a gift given to us by a dear friend, and we have loved reading through all the various scriptures and quotes that apply to our current 'job'. it is a great gift for anyone that has a heart for missions, or is preparing to go on a mission trip. we both love it.]

"A Wife After God's Own Heart" by Elizabeth George [i think i may have read this entire book when we were engaged, but i can't remember if i finished it. i pulled it out on my nightstand again, looking forward to a re-read soon.]

"Covenant Child" by Terri Blackstock [this was left here by a mission team, and i haven't started reading it yet - it is a christian novel, which i'm typically pretty skeptical of. but, since we don't have lots of christian bookstores here (none, that i'm aware of) i thought i would grab it before it was thrown out. i'll let ya know how it is.]

"The Parent You Want to Be" by Drs. Les & Leslie Parrott [i started reading this book when i was pregnant with olivia, yes, olivia. i don't think i ever finished it, but i remember thinking how great it was - focusing on who we are verses what we do... going to read this after i finish the first parenting book on the list.]

1 comment:

  1. I read Bringing Up Girls - great book! I currently have Radical and Crazy Love on my nightstand. Along with a Bible Study called Covenant by Kay Arthur. Enjoy your reading!!! :)
