Friday, January 14, 2011

Indian giver

I'm officially taking back my promise to post a list daily. Two reasons - I physically cannot some days (i.e. we are gone from sun up to sun down, our internet isn't working, I'm brain dead, etc. You get the picture.), and I think it borders on annoying... especially when I have nothing important to say.

But, speaking of nothing important to say, on to today's list.

Things I've heard broadcasted from a loudspeaker in CR. (Most of the time, the loudspeaker is attached to the roof of a car, truck, etc. Many times the loudspeaker is the same size, or bigger than the vehicle it is attached to. Seriously.)

  1. "The Egg Man" - A guy that drives through the streets of Alajuelita (and other towns?) advertising that he has eggs for sale, from the back of his truck.
  2. A clothing store that has a sale going on.
  3. Political ads.
  4. And of course, to be expected, the guy who wants everyone in the neighborhood to know he spent a lot of money on a sound system for his sweet ride. This is usually the same guy who spent more on his "dubs" than the car is worth.
I think there will be more posts to come on this topic, but I need to learn more Spanish so that I know what they are saying...

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